Supported Living
At Pulse8+ Care and Support we also support adults with learning and physical disabilities, autism and challenging behaviour. Our highly experienced staff are able to care for and support people with very specific requirements.
We support people with a range of disabilities and complex needs including:
- Learning disabilities
- Profound and multiple learning difficulties
- Complex behavioural needs
- Autism
- Mental heath needs
- Sensory and communication impairments
- Acquired brain injuries
Our services include supported living, whether that’s for a few hours a week, several hours a day, overnight or 24/7 and there’s always the flexibility to adapt to meet their needs and aspirations as they change.
Pulse8+ work with the individual, their family, friends, professionals and carers to put together a support package tailored to meet the individual’s needs and requirements. We provide effective support which sometimes means working as part of a team along with other professionals such as GP’s, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Behavioural Specialists, Social Workers, Psychologists and Psychiatrists.
As well as providing support in your home and in your local community we offer a range of services including short breaks and respite care and days out.
The members of our team are caring, committed professionals with the skills and knowledge to provide effective support and communication.